I am a faculty member at the School of Information Technology, Carleton University, in Ottawa, Canada. Following, you can find some information about what I do professionally:

My Carleton University Page and Research Group, with the description of my research projects, publications, and other academic activities

An Education and Technology Blog where I frequently share my thoughts

Anyone Can Code, my book series on computer programming

Ottawa Game Jam, the local site for the Global Game Jam (GGJ), the world's largest game development event. We have been running this since 2009 when GGJ started.

I don't consider myself an artist but I have always been artistically inclined and involved in various creative activities. Here are some examples:

Chasing the Wind: A short story

Adventures of Mr. Filio: A superhero from my son's bedtime stories

My Artworks: A collection of my traditional and digital drawings

Artful Romance: An art/poetry/mythology curation

I live in Ottawa with my wife, son, and our cats.

Personal Info

Awards and Recognitions:
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Teaching Award (2023)
Carleton University Provost's Fellowship in Teaching (2020)
Carleton University Faculty of Engineering and Deisgn Teaching Exellence Award (2019)
Carleton University Faculty Graduate Mentorship Award (2019)

I can be reached through social mediad and email. I check LinkedIn and Facebook fairly regularly, less for Instagram, and I'm not much of a Twitter user.



Email: info @ ali-arya . com

(c) 2023, Ali Arya

The four images on the above sections have a common theme. Can you guess what that theme is? If yes, contact me! :-)